SIPPRA Round 2 Applications Open this Fall

A magnifying glass hovers over four bars of textThe $100 million Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (SIPPRA) is a federal funding opportunity to scale outcomes-driven solutions that benefit communities across government funding silos. Round 2 Applications for Feasibility Study will soon be open during Fall this year. 

State and local governments are invited to explore outcomes-oriented readiness through Round 2 funding, which will be used to cover 50% of the cost of a Feasibility Study. Third Sector looks forward to supporting communities and is available to partner with agencies to create an Outcomes Implementation Plan in preparation for the SIPPRA NOFA.

Please reference this two-pager and other resources are available to help you determine your readiness for the proposal on our SIPPRA webpage. For further inquiries, please reach out to Oscar Benitez at