
Lessons Learned

Addressing the Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis: Five Strategies to Shift Organizational Culture to Center Client and Staff Experience 
This Brief details strategies developed from Third Setotr's work with 10 behavioral health agencies in the Multi-County FSP Project to address public sector vacancies, specifically in the Behavioral Health workforce.

Summary Report: California Multi-County Full Service Partnership Year 2
The January 2022 Implementation Summary Report details the solutions implemented and lessons learned across the cohort of eight counties participating in the Multi-County FSP Innovation Project during the first two years of Third Sector’s technical assistance.

Progress Report: The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families Performance Based Contracting
From 2018 to 2021, Third Sector supported Washington DCYF to implement Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) across the new agency's more than 1,200 contracts for client services, representing approximately $1B in biennial spending. With this effort, DCYF is now able to use contractor performance data in new ways to improve services for clients and achieve better outcomes for communities.

Lessons Learned: Empowering Families: Partnering with Communities to Deliver Outcomes
Third Sector partnered with six state and local government agencies for The Empowering Families Initiative for government agencies to align Two-Generational social services to foster the wellbeing of whole families from generation to generation. 

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Lessons Learned: Transitioning Individuals in Full Service Mental Health Programs to Lower Levels of Care
As part of the Multi-County Full Service Partnership Innovation Project, Third Sector interviewed mental health experts across the country to identify indicators and the most promising practices for stepping individuals down to less intensive levels of care.

Launching and Maintaining Rural Sector Partnerships Six Lessons Learned from Implementing Rural Sector Partnerships
Third Sector interviewed 14 Rural Sector Partnership Leaders across 12 organizations in six states as an outgrowth of our work for the Texas REINVEST Good Jobs Project. This policy brief outlines six lessons learned from workforce boards and other stakeholders who are implementing sector strategies in rural communities around the United States. It is intended to provide tips and tools for anyone looking to build, maintain, or strengthen sector strategies in rural America.

Landscape Assessment: Washington State 988 Case Referral & Management System Discovery and Report
In preparation for 988 implementation in the state of Washington, Third Sector partnered with Washington State to explore the features of a successful crisis response and management system that would allow the state to meet the requirements of the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020. Third Sector conducted a landscape assessment of the current state of Washington’s behavioral health crisis response system as well as exemplars from other states and potential software vendors that provide case management and crisis call response services. 

Progress Report: Transforming California Counties' Delivery of Mental Health Services 
Third Sector is supporting a coalition of California counties seeking to improve delivery of mental health services across the state in the Multi-County Full Service Partnership Innovation Project

Project Brief: Designing Programs for Young Parents & Families 
The Southeastern Cohort on Young Parents and Families works to increase alignment between programs and public funding streams (including TANF, WIOA, SNAP, Head Start) promoting collaboration between government agencies, nonprofit partners, and young parent families.

Project Brief: Pay For Success in Higher Education National Cohort
Colorado and Ohio have begun leveraging Pay for Success as a way to fund wraparound student support services that improve matriculation, persistence, and graduation outcomes for underserved students.


View all webinars associated with the following projects:

Purple Brief Case with tree spearate pathways shooting uo from it, to represent career pathways.

Better Careers Design Group 

Green adult icon and yellow child icon embracing

Southeastern Cohort on Young Parents and Families 

  • Insights for Community Action Agencies: Designing Better Programs to Support Young Parent Families – Spotlight on South Carolina
  • Improving Economic Stability for Young Parents – Spotlight on Kentucky & Massachusetts
  • Improving Transition Strategies for Young Parents Aging Out of Foster Care - Spotlight on Georgia
  • Strategies to Address the Benefits Cliff
  • Strategies to Promote Two-Generational Outcomes
Purple graduation cap with black tassel

PFS in Higher Education National Cohort

  • PFS in Higher Education National Cohort Final Presentations
  • Importance of PFS Pilots in Order to Launch PFS Projects
  • Evidence-Based Services & Procurement Implications
  • Funding in PFS Projects
  • Pay for Success “101”
  • Exploring PFS with Student Support Services
  • Request for Information: College Access and Success Providers
  • Request for Information: States and Systems of Higher Ed