- Third Sector News
How States Can Fund A Commitment To Lifelong Learning & Why It Matters
In her latest piece with Forbes Nonprofit Council, Third Sector Co-Founder & CEO Caroline Whistler discusses the need for state-level investments into upskilling and training for non-traditional learners in this rapidly changing workforce. She provides real-world examples, and offers insights on opportunities to simplify and streamline funding methods for lifelong learners, such as Lifelong Learning Accounts (LiLA’s) and innovative 529 accounts.
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Simplifying How We Save and Pay for Lifelong Learning
We need our government to take action to simplify and streamline the structures and tools that help individuals fund lifelong learning. That’s why Third Sector is proposing a SIMPLE framework to help create a more streamlined approach to saving and paying for postsecondary education and job training that can provide clarity and ease for learners, workers, employers, and all those who care about ensuring these opportunities are accessible to everyone.
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Third Sector to Support Four-State Cohort Building Inclusive Climate Workforce Initiatives
Third Sector, in partnership with the Families and Workers Fund, announced that it will support over the next 11 months a cohort of four states - Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, and New Mexico - in designing workforce initiatives to build a pipeline of quality jobs in the climate and infrastructure sectors. Third Sector's support is part of the Fund's Powering Climate and Infrastructure Careers Challenge, which will support 14 awardees in total.
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Third Sector and National Governors Association Select Four States to Expand SNAP E&T Programs
This month, Third Sector and The National Governors Association (NGA) have selected cross-sector teams from Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, and North Carolina to participate in a project focused on helping governors expand employment and training opportunities in their states. Specifically, these four states will receive expert support and technical assistance to help them identify and address barriers to successfully and equitably implementing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) programs in their states.
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Third Sector to Support Cuyahoga County in Designing A Continuum of Care To Reduce Juvenile Justice System-Involvement among Youth
Third Sector will launch a year-long project next month to co-design with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) a county-wide continuum of care for youth (age 12-17) and their families involved with or at-risk of involvement with the Cuyahoga County juvenile justice system.
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Transforming public systems
to advance improved and equitable outcomes
Throughout the United States, we collaborate deeply with communities to re-write how they partner with government to fund social services, re-aligning vast amounts of public resources to move the needle on social problems.

Designing an Outcomes-Focused Federal Government
Whether housing, food assistance, workforce development, health, education or any number of other services, the Federal government make progress on its agenda to build back better our health, economy, and safety net systems while addressing systemic racism IF it embraces and, more importantly, disseminates to state and local levels, this paradigm shift towards outcomes focused government (OFG).
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