Andrew Chrismer


Chicago, IL

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Andrew joined Third Sector in 2023 as a Director based in Chicago, Illinois. Andrew's work in the think tank community and roles within local governments have focused on innovative workforce development and economic inclusion strategies at the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the European-American Chamber of Commerce.

Among his previous projects, Andrew led the German Marshall Fund's innovative and inclusive cities work, directing multi-city human-centered design programs in the United States and Europe. His work at Franklin County, Ohio, focused on leading a multi-year project that aligned the operations, policies, and strategies of four different human service agencies, which served more than 400,000 residents.

Andrew has a bachelor's in economics from Otterbein University and a master's in Comparative Economics from American University's School of International Service. He has written issue briefs and thought leadership pieces for outlets including U.S. News & World Report, the Huffington Post, the Hill, and numerous think tanks and trade organizations.